Featuring Rosie, Posie, Annie and Friends!

Most images are available in your choice of a textured pink, blue or green background or with simpler pink or blue backgrounds. The sample sets below the slideshow are a good place to start for ideas about pairs or groups, whether your goal is to create a bright and happy centerpiece in a room or to simply add a bit of color and cheer to a wall.


Click on an individual image to view larger.

Rosie and Her Family, Rosie and Butterflies - Both textured blue.

Rosie and Posie Play, Rosie and Posie Get Flowers - Both pink.

Rosie and Butterflies - textured blue, Annie and Butterflies - textured pink, Posie and Butterflies - textured green.

Rosie and Posie - textured pink, Annie and Butterflies - textured green , Rosie and Bubu - textured blue.

Rosie and Posie Play, Rosie and Posie Get Flowers, Rosie and Bubu, Rosie and Posie - All blue.

Animals and Flowers, Butterflies and Flowers, Elehants and Flowers

Annie and Little Green Elephant, Posie and Little White Elephant

Animals and Flowers, Butterflies and Flowers, Elephants and Flowers

Day House, Night House

Play House, Dream House